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Primary talk with Jimmy Barrett

WRVA’s Jimmy Barrett had me on the air this morning to discuss some of next week’s primary contests. We touched on the donnybrook in the 12th Senate district, the Howell/Stimpson race and the increasingly expensive Democratic primary in the 10th Senate district:

For those following the 12th district race…the new fundraising numbers out from VPAP Siobhan Dunnavant crushing it, with more than $195,000 raised so far. Or so it would seem from the headline number. Looking a little closer shows that Walter Stosch’s profound interest in Dunnavant’s campaign extends beyond his appearance in her TV ads. He’s writing big checks [1] — the biggest by far — to her effort as well.

Whether Walter’s largesse translates into votes on the 9th is the open question. It does paint the Dunnavant solidly into the old “Gang of Five” [2] corner.

And yes, her brother, Ken, was once a member of that crew.