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News Virginian: Can The Atlantic Pipeline Go Through Floodplains?

yes [1]

Of course it can.

Timmy Fitzgerald, director of community development for Augusta County, said areas the pipeline route cross in Augusta County are in the most narrow sections of the flood plain, and would not have a major impact.

Fitzgerald said he has not had a chance to evaluate the latest Appalachian Trail alternate route, but still does not think it would have a significant impact on the county’s flood plain.

He said there would be concern if the pipeline route was in an area that involved several hundred feet of the flood plain.

Pipelines go through floodplains all the time.  Next up, we’ll probably hear questions about earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorists, communists, flocks of seals, etc.

This is the tried and true tactic of “question until it fails” — the sort of ambulance chasing that needs to be repudiated by every thinking-class citizen in America.  Surefire way to attract the uninformed, but for those who are above average Joes?  The game is officially old.

Read the rest from the News Virginian [2].  It’s a good article… but the question this arguably quality piece addresses is stoopid with two o’s — stoopid.