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Dunnavant’s “Duel Disclosure” and Democratic Dealings Doom Desperate Debacle in SEN-12?

dunnavant_435px [1]Radio talk show host John Fredericks has the scoop [2]:

Sources inside the Virginia Democratic senate caucus have confirmed that Dunnavant’s family engineered a secret meeting with Democratic leadership to investigate a state senate bid just before the 2015 General Assembly session ended in February.

There were three Democratic Senate leaders in attendance including Senate Minority Leader Dick Saslaw (D-Fairfax) and Senate caucus chair Don McEachin (D-Henrico).

One senator who attended the junta spoke only on the condition of anonymity.

A pro-life Democrat?  Will wonders never cease…

Of course, the Janis campaign offers their kind thoughts on the debacle…

Rocked by the duel disclosure that she met with Democrats to discuss running for Senate as a Democrat and that as recently as three months ago she supported Obamacare/Medicaid expansion, Dunnavant did what professional politicians do. She smeared her opponent.

We are confident that she underestimates Republicans in Henrico and Hanover counties. The voters know and trust Bill Janis. They know that these allegations are lies. They know that Bill Janis has a fifteen year track record of fighting to advance the Conservative Cause. Voters will see through this smear campaign and vote for the true, and proven conservative they can trust, Bill Janis.

Duel disclosure?  Definitely, we’re in the last moments of the campaign and the coffee just doesn’t work as fast as the fingers fly.  Such is life on the campaign trail.

Pistols at dawn… though there’s no question now the “duel” certainly seems to be Janis-Dunnavant at the moment, with some very jilted Democratic brides left at the altar back in February.

So qui bono?  Who benefits?

One has to imagine that your average Dunnavant voter caves and either votes Janis based on the one-two punch of Medicaid expansion plus flirtation with a Democratic candidacy.  Yet negative campaigning in a multi-candidate election tends to benefit the dark horse… and in this instance, that’s either Vince Haley or Eddie Whitlock.

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Stay tuned.


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More duel disclosures as we find ’em…