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Suffolk City Republican Committee Calls for No-Tax-Hike City Budget (UPDATED and BUMPED with Public Hearing Time and Place)

(UPDATE: The Public Hearing on Suffolk’s budget and tax rate will be held at 7PM on Wednesday, April 15th, in the City Council Chambers)

Last night On April 1, the Suffolk City budget was proposed to City Council. It included a property tax rate increase from $1.03 to $1.07 (the assessments conducted this year led to a negligible change in assessed values – 0.16% – so the current rate is also the equalized one).

It didn’t take long for the Suffolk Republican Committee to notice – and the Committee was not happy.

Less than an hour ago One night later, on April 2, the Committee passed the following resolution by unanimous vote. The local Public Hearing is April 15 – 7PM – at the City Council Chambers.

Resolution For the Suffolk City GOP Committee Calling For a Budget Without a Property Tax Increase

Whereas in the recent November election, three new City Councilors were elected on a promise not to raise taxes;

Whereas property tax increases have been shown to reduce property values;

Whereas there are many costs in the proposed city budget that can be avoided with resolve and cost discipline;

Whereas the current economic expansion has been too weak and slow to be felt by most Americans, particularly in Virginia, and most especially in Suffolk;

Whereas we compete not only with our neighbors in Hampton Roads, Virginia, but also in northeastern North Carolina, and thus must maintain low taxes to ensure competitiveness;

Be it resolved that the Suffolk City Republican Committee

Call Upon the City Council to reduce city budget expenditures and balance the budget with the current tax rate of $1.03.

Passed on this 2nd Day of April, Two-Thousand and Fifteen

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