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Cruz’s big haul

While the Rand Paul campaign begins its tour of the early primary and caucus states, news [1] from first GOP candidate to make it official — Ted Cruz — puts the entire presidential contest into context: money makes a campaign go ’round.

An associate of the Texas senator, a recently announced presidential candidate, tells Bloomberg that a cluster of affiliated super-political action committees was formed only this week, and among them they are expected to have $31 million in the bank by Friday.

Even in the context of a presidential campaign cycle in which the major party nominees are expected to raise more than $1.5 billion, Cruz’s haul is eye-popping, one that instantly raises the stakes in the Republican fundraising contest.

It most certainly does. But big, early fundraising does not equal electoral strength. Cruz’s early fundraising prowess does put pressure on the rest of the (as yet undeclared) field, but his numbers are by no means a guarantee of success (see: Phil Gramm, Rudy Giuliani and heck, why not Hillary Clinton, c. 2008?).

Speaking of Mrs. Clinton…

The superPAC “Ready for Hillary” held a fire sale that ended Tuesday. The items on clearance? Barware [2]:

…the group sent out an email to supporters announcing a 50 percent sale on whiskey glasses, mason jars, and Champagne glasses.

A set of four champagne glasses costs $25, as does a set of four whiskey glasses. The mason jars are only $10.08 for a set of four.

Because nothing says “Hillary for President” quite like a champagne flute.

Or for FOB’s, the mason jars. Either way, the message is one needs to be half in the bag to support Her Excellency’s restoration.

And yes, I’m aware that appellation may be considered sexist [3] by the more prickly members of her circle. But after looking at this poster, it was either that or Evita:

hillary poster [4]