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Obama declares war on Southerners


I would like to begin by telling a story about my time spent in Washington, D.C. When I was in college, I was given the honor and privilege to intern in US Congressman Morgan Griffith’s office in Washington D.C. I was also accepted into a student program and was attending classes at Georgetown University.

I soon discovered, over the course of a few days, people in DC don’t drink a lot of Sweet Tea (which maybe the problem with government). I had a rough time finding a restaurant with Sweet Tea on the menu. It killed me, deep down inside. All I wanted was a glass of Sweet Tea! I would ride the Metro all the way to Rosslyn ( I was living in Southeast DC near Eastern Market, which my friends from NOVA know is a 20 minute ride), not just to go to class, but sometimes I would go just to get a cup of Sweet Tea because my southern self needed it. And today, I found out the Michelle Obama wants to take it away from me!

Yes, Michelle Obama decided today to offend every Southerner. According to the Washington Free Beacon, Michelle Obama’s “Lets Move” campaign blog decided to talk about two things Southerners love: All you can eat Buffets and Sweet Tea! The article stated [1]:  

The suggestions include choosing water, fat-free milk, and unsweetened tea instead of soda, and asking for salad dressing to be served on the side. “Then use only as much as you want,” Let’s Move said.

“Order an item from the menu instead heading for the ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffet,” Let’s Move said.

Look, I know POTUS is mad because he lost every single state south of the Mason Dixon in 2012 (except for Florida) but still! HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO US!

May I remind everyone that its like Northern People drink water. It’s in our veins! We are addicted. Its our life source, it’s what we love! We don’t go take stuff away from people from the North? No!

And might I remind Mrs. Obama, that we have a right to drink out Sweet Tea because the last time I checked, the Declaration of Independence says Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Happiness is a cold glass of Sweet Tea with Sunday Lunch. And she has no right to invade my home and tell me what I can and can’t drink. Also, last time I checked the 10th Amendment said that powers not delegated go to the states. You think a Southern Governor who would ban Sweet Tea wouldn’t get a primary challenger? You bet, and that Governor would lose in a landslide.

I understand, there are perks to being healthy, but please people, its our drink. Irish people have beer, English People have Earl Grey, and we blessed to live in God’s Country (aka the South) have every right to drink our tea with enough sugar to send someone into a coma.

So to the President and the First Lady, you have shocked and saddened me with the horrible news. And to recover, I plan on going to drown my sorrows in a K&W buffet meal with a pitcher of Sweet Tea.