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UPDATE: Am I A Bad Person For Thinking This Is Awesome?

stewart_600pxDunno.  Might be. [1]

Days after the profanity-laden exchange, Stewart said he still blames Wiggins — not the Republican committee or its chairman, Bill Card — for the electoral board decision denying the request. Wiggins is not a member of the electoral board, but the board is controlled by Democrats.

“Are you kidding me?” Stewart responded when asked whether he would apologize to Wiggins for his remarks. “This guy has perverted the electoral process of Prince William County. He owes an apology to every voter in the county.”

Short version?  After the PWC Electoral Board decided to fob off its responsibilities, Chairman Stewart decided to let ’em have it LBJ style.

Stewart, R-At Large, told Prince William Today and InsideNoVa.com that he doesn’t regret using what he called “some very strong words” in an exchange with Harry Wiggins, chairman of the Prince William Democratic Committee, on the sidewalk outside the Old Manassas Courthouse after the electoral board’s emergency meeting March 11.

. . .

Both Henderson and Wiggins confirmed that Stewart repeatedly called Wiggins an “f—-ing piece of sh–.”

“He used a bunch of choice words that conveyed his displeasure,” Henderson added. “We were like dumbfounded that this exchange took place because this guy is a well-respected member of the community,” he said of Stewart. “He was accusing Harry of doing something behind the scenes, of affecting the vote.”

Henderson called it a “one-way exchange,” but Wiggins said he managed a brief retort. “I just said, ‘Look, right back at you,’ and left it at that,” Wiggins said.

Good for him for blowing some steam, quite frankly.  This is a simple problem to fix, made difficult not by process but by politics.

As for the quality and *ahem* consistency of Democratic unit chairs in Prince William County?  Well… I’ll leave that to the experts.  After all, whatever Stewart’s complaint was in substance, Mr. Wiggins certainly didn’t seem shocked by the challenge… which frankly, only lends credence to the charge that Wiggins was indeed lobbying behind the scenes for a pre-determined outcome — quite different from the previous MSM narrative.

Stay tuned…

UPDATE:  Some interesting stuff on Blue Virginia this AM about the whole PWC Electoral Board kerfluffle.  Wiggins apparently has a bit of a potty mouth himself… and dances around whether or not he lobbied members of the local electoral board [2]:

According to Wiggins, “I didn’t do a damn thing…This is a Republican issue, I have stayed out of this whole thing [and told other Prince William County Democrats] to stay out of it…and to the best of my knowledge, they have stayed out of it.”

Show of hands?  Anyone believe this when even MSM outlets are saying Wiggins was present and talkative, with numerous sources saying he was indeed lobbying for an outcome?

Seems rather defensive for a guy who supposedly wasn’t doing anything to hijack the process.