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Vote, or Obama might throw you in jail

It was a safe question. What can we do about all the money in politics? Asking that to the politician who raised and spent more money than any politician in history is kind of funny.

And Obama knew it, so he avoided talking about money, and brought up a looney idea.

Let’s be like Honduras!

Obama extolled the benefits of using the power and strength of government to force everyone to the polls and require that they vote…or else!

Once his handlers got down from the ceiling, they were quickly telling national reporters that the Golfing President got hit in the head with one too many Titleists and wasn’t making a serious policy proposal.

Too late. The whackos on the left thought he was serious. The Huffington Post [1] is on board, saying that mandatory voting is right up there with mandatory jury duty.

Given how many people get out of jury duty, I don’t think that was the best example.

The problem is Mr. Constitutional Law Professor Obama seems to have forgotten a lot of the Constitution once he moved into the White House.

Clearly, the voice of protest by not voting is protected by the first amendment. (Granted, Obama’s not the first Chief Executive frustrated by free people).

But maybe I’m wrong and there is a large groundswell of American support to be more like Ecuador.

The left has a long history of forcing people by law to do things that the people didn’t do voluntarily (hey…Obamacare!) so I don’t doubt this was a serious proposal by a President who has become so useless that Hillary Clinton gets better press. I’m waiting for Hillary to say she told Obama mandatory voting was a dumb idea…in an email.

Seriously, shouldn’t we all be concerned when a President’s main concern is taking away freedoms for Americans?

I am.

President Obama, you can go Uruguay, but let me go mine.