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BREWER: It’s Local Budget Time; Watch Your Wallet

Taxes_1 [1]One of the most frustrating things that happens to Virginia taxpayers’ is the good ol’ tax increase. We hear the excuses: “Revenues short of projection” or “Additional School Funding Needed” (and that’s just the top of the laundry list). What can we do as taxpayers in our localities though? May I suggest that we not continue business as usual with a response similar to Pavlov’s dogs? As D.J. McGuire [2] noted, keeping a close eye on your ENTIRE local budget – including school systems – should be part of the order of business. Not only is this financially judicious, but it should be part of the primary assessment for Joe Conservative Taxpayer when he looks for opportunities to discuss budget trimming with elected officials.

Here are a few key points and comparisons from the Public School budget in my locality that are great starting points when you decide to fight the tax increase machine:

Demand Accountability on Staffing Costs, especially in top level administrative capacities. If teachers aren’t receiving raises, neither should the King and his Court. Recently in Suffolk two staff psychologists along with four Coordinator positions were added as FTE’s (Full Time Employees) with benefits, without cause for additional hiring. What a lovely gift to the taxpayers with a price tag totaling over $600,000.

Take a close look at the Capital Improvement Plan for your locality and compare projected infrastructure projects against actual need, especially for new schools being built. These are big ticket items that are often the impetus for tax increases.

In Suffolk, there are currently three schools slated for construction over the next 5 years, totaling over $34 million. With populations at two middle schools dipping below 550 students, while two other middle schools are over 1,000 students, a rezoning would be the recommendation to alleviate overcrowding. Check the last time your locality did a redistricting study for your schools. School systems often do not like to upset citizens that feel their children belong in a certain school district, but the last time I checked it was called PUBLIC school, because the public pays for it.

Now, if you’re willing to raise the redistricting issue, parents with pitchforks may come for you, but it can be a goldmine for cost avoidance opportunities. Assess the population of schools; see if new infrastructure projects are really necessary or frivolous waste that can find its way to the trash bin; and keep an eye out for a chance to drastically reduce transportation costs.

Again, in this city, there was a construction upgrade and expansion project in FY 17 that totaled $16.2 Million, for middle school that can already accommodate over 800 students yet currently houses just over 400 actual students. Just because projects are in a locality’s budget, it doesn’t mean they are actual needs.

The bottom line is, no one likes a tax increase. While it’s difficult for some to circumvent the argument “but it’s for the children”, if you value your pocketbook, ask tough questions.

Emily M. Brewer founded Reaction Point Marketing & Media Consulting in 2012. She serves as the 4th Congressional District YR Representative and is active in local politics. Brewer resides in Suffolk, Virginia with her tolerant husband, Joey and their awesome Bernese Mountain Dog, Iceman (yes, after Top Gun), and has previously worked on several local and state campaigns.