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HALL: Don’t Let This One Go — Emailgate And The 2016 Race

hillary clinton [1]

I’m beginning this post at 9:45 yesterday evening. It’s been a long day. I’ve worked 8 hours, I’ve made sure that everything is done, except I wanted to write. I felt drawn to write something that was real, and just for once just made sense.

I asked my wife today, “Honey, How many email accounts do you keep track of?” 3 she responded. I thought, I manage three also. My parents both manage 2 accounts. My friends keep multiple accounts. But, we keep up this with this and our crazy lives. I begin to ask myself, you mean to tell me a hillbilly redneck child like myself can manage three email accounts, but a Yale Law educated former US Senator and former Secretary of State can’t even manage two email accounts?

Yesterday, in a press conference, Secretary Clinton said the following [2]:

There were multiple safeguards. This was set up for President Clinton’s office. It was on property guarded by the Secret Service, and there were no security breaches.

Let’s break down that one statement.

1.  Provided to President Clinton:  Yes provided to the guy behind Whitewater, the Rose Law Firm getting state contracts, Kenneth Star, MonicaGate, and I could continue but I wont, and Ill explain later.

2.  It was on property guarded by the Secret Service: People, I hate to kick someone while they are down, but didn’t someone break into the White House a few months ago? The safest address in America got broken into. Not just broken into, the intruder got up the stairs and was headed to the President’s residence.

3.  There were no security breaches: How are we supposed to know that? We don’t know? We have no idea what security they had.

According to the USA Today article, Secretary Clinton turned over 30,490 emails to the State Department, and deleted 31,830 emails. She says that the emails contained in the personal emails include wedding planning and yoga instructions. Yall, Im from Southwest Virginia, and to steal a quote from my kin people “Yall, I wouldn’t believe that crap as far as I could throw it.”

So as I’m driving to my cousin’s house this evening, I turn on Lars Larson on the Talk Radio station, and he is a fantastic host who comes on in the evenings. Lars was talking about this to a listener on the phone, and the gentleman said something so profound:

“LARS WHEN ARE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE GOING TO WAKE UP TO WHAT IS HAPPENING?! The American people are ants in an ant farm. We go to work, we get a stamp on our forehead, and we go home, days over. WHEN WILL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BE AWAKEN TO HOW THE LIBERALS ARE DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY!?”

I sit and pondered on this for quite some time. And I thought you know, when it comes to the Clintons or most politicians that matter, we as the American people have become immune to the craziness out of Washington. We have our own lives to worry about, we haven’t got time to care if it was Constitutional or put someone in harm’s way if Secretary Clinton used a private email server. Who cares? All politicians do bad things. We don’t care about it anymore. It’s become woven in the fabric of society that politicians will have scandals so much we all sit at 8PM on Thursdays to watch Olivia Pope save the world on Scandal and we binge watch House of Cards to see what evil dead Frank Underwood is up to. We have become so immune to political scandals we watch fake scandals for entertainment.

America, wake up. This isn’t the President sleeping with the staff or Frank Underwood philandering with a reporter. This is the Secretary of State, who on her watch, saw 4 Americans die in an embassy that she did not appropriate enough funds to protect. WAKE UP to the fact that she could have had her email hacked any day and no one be the wiser. This is the Secretary of State who was gliding to the Democratic nomination next year with no serious opposition, yet she thinks she can be President and get away with just not giving up 31, 000+ emails because she “deems them personal”

My fellow American citizens, look through the nonsense spewed by the left and realize that this is bigger than anything that ever happened. Realize that this has real implications. Forget Whitewater and Monica and all the other scandals. This right here is the beginning of the end for Bill and Hillary if we let it be.

The Republicans in Congress have their chance to expose this. My fervent hope, and I imagine that it will happen, that Chairman Trey Gowdy will call Clinton in for another hearing. Let your voice be heard to your elected official. Call up your Congressman (and yes your Senator, although in Virginia that won’t do any good) and let them know that you want to see Clinton turn over ALL of her emails from her time at the State Department. Secondly, get behind a candidate for 2016 (my choice is Governor Walker) who will really give Secretary Clinton a fight like no other for the White House. Plainly put, Pick a winner.

Don’t be the ant in the ant farm. Don’t just live your life and let your country go down in flames. Cut through the noise and let your voice be heard. Speak up stand out, don’t just let the Clinton’s get away with this because “Im too busy.” Stop living in the ant farm, and call your Congressman and demand answers about the Email scandal.

Matt Colt Hall is the proud son of two blue collar workers from Carroll County, Virginia. He has been in the Republican Party since the age of 16, and along the way has interned and worked with many great Republican candidates. Matt is a graduate of Ferrum College, where he graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Political Science degree. He currently lives in Roanoke with his amazing wife Lauren and he is a member of both the Roanoke Valley Young Republicans and the Roanoke County Republican Committee.