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“The monster they know”

The results are in and Joe Morrissey won Tuesday’s special election in the 74th House district. Almost before the last votes were counted, the hue, cry and outrage began to flow. How could this man — who spends his nights in an Henrico county jail cell, possibly win?

I wrote some time ago that even with his plea deal, he stood a fair chance of winning. What helped clinch it for him, though, may have been the police raid [1] at his law office on Monday. It may have been entirely legitimate and utterly above-board. It was also a political gift to Morrissey.

This still does not explain why he won. To do that, we have to understand what voters may have been thinking as they went to the polls. One of the more interesting opinions I’ve seen on that came via Chris Dovi’s Facebook page [2], where this appeared:

Ethiopia Epiphany [3]

“The monster that they know as opposed to the monsters that others choose for them.” Agree or disagree with the assertion, it is something to think about. Boiled down, the voters who showed up Tuesday gave the powers that be the single finger salute.

And for members of the House, who are by all indications intent on expelling Morrissey? They need to be careful about it. If there are hearings on the matter, and that is likely to happen, Morrissey will demand an opportunity to present his case, look at evidence, cross-examine any witnesses, and so on. His courtroom forte has long been aggressively impeaching evidence, witnesses and the entire process. It becomes a show, written, directed and starring Joe. And before a jury, it can work.

Legislators are not going to be swayed in the same way. They may have to suffer his antics before they give him the boot, otherwise, the whole affair could end up in a real courtroom.

But give him the boot they will. And he will probably run again — and depending upon the election’s timing, win again (though a second outing would raise entirely different questions with voters and, presumably, the major parties would have more time to mount effective campaigns against him). Would the worthies try to oust him a second time? Perhaps.

Or he could decide to run for Senate…good morning, Sen. Dance.