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McAuliffe’s budget amendments DOA?

Gov. Terry McAuliffe made some proposals today regarding the state budget, particularly with respect to Virginia’s gun laws, support for the coal-stifling EPA regs, and his continued quest to expand Medicaid.

Needless to say, he isn’t getting much support from the loyal opposition of the legislative majority, particularly when the budget amendments will cost Virginia taxpayers at least more than $12 million in increased taxes for health care and lost tax savings (proposed elimination of three sales tax holidays).

“Governor McAuliffe knows Medicaid expansion will not pass. He knows refighting the one-gun-a-month battle will not be productive. He knows that the General Assembly is not going to doom Southwest Virginians by embracing the coal-killing policies of the Obama Administration. And, he knows that the Republican majorities in the Senate and the House are not going to support measures that raise the tax burden on Virginia’s working families,” said State Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment.

Senate Republican Caucus Chairman Ryan McDougle put it simply: “This year, we are only considering amendments to our existing two-year budget. Even if Governor McAuliffe intends to reuse the same obstructionist tactics that caused last year’s 106-day-long budget impasse, the Commonwealth will not face a shutdown.”

The House’ response to the governor and his proposals was more focused on the process and that there’s a ways to go before any of what the governor desires has any chance of becoming codified. While it was clear that they disagree, they, for the most part, chose not to characterize the governor’s initiatives. That said, House GOP leadership did make abundantly clear their position on Medicaid expansion:

“We are disheartened by the Governor’s decision to include Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion in the budget. It is counterproductive for him to return to the same strategy that nearly resulted in a state government shutdown last year. The House of Delegates has overwhelmingly rejected Medicaid expansion three times and it would be irresponsible to try and again use the budget as leverage on this issue. We hope this is not the Governor’s intent.”

RPV Chairman Pat Mullins views this as nothing more than payback to big-time McAuliffe donors Michael Bloomberg (anti-gun) and Tom Steyer (anti-coal). Both have contributed more than $1.5 million to the governor.

“Now two of the top priorities in the Governor’s legislative agenda include an attack on Virginia’s coalfields and gun control. It’s no coincidence. Terry had yet to make any move to pay back Bloomberg, and he must do something to stay in Tom Steyer’s good graces to keep the money flowing for 2015.”

Regardless, the opposition to McAuliffe’s proposals seems to show united GOP resolve. But the emphasis must be on the word “seems.” Remember, it’s still only 21-19 in the state Senate.