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Election Night Marred by Virginia SBE Embarrassing Performance

Throughout the night last night, election returns showed a remarkably close race in Virginia. A testament to Ed Gillespie and his team, people throughout the Commonwealth, particularly politicos and political junkies, tried following the election returns as best they could.

The problem?

They couldn’t.

In another embarrassment on Election Day, Virginia State Board of Election’s last night simply shut down. Not able to handle the demands of traffic (in 2014!!) for a middling (in national importance) Senate race, with only two other somewhat contested races, the servers at Virginia SBE were unable to account for an expected and foreseeable influx of web traffic.

Given that Virginia SBE should be a primary resource for news and election returns, this led to some consideration frustration.

And at one point, things got so embarrassingly bad (like Apple telling people not to use their Maps app, and download Google Maps instead BAD):

Problem is, third party (and amazing organization) VPAP gets their updates and information from Virginia SBE as well. So shifting people over to VPAP puts the blame on them, rather than SBE.

At one point, things got so delayed that it was nearly one hour before results on SBE & VPAP were updated last night, at 9 PM on a Tuesday, again, with a predictable increase in traffic.

Bearing Drift received some new information regarding the outage, caused by Virginia SBE’s new third party site. After SBE’s third party site and problems, Northrop Grumman stepped in with a new server to get SBE back up online, leading to the resolution of the problems this morning. Without NG’s assistance, SBE would likely still be down.

We’ve removed an earlier comment referencing Virginia’s VITA contract with Northrop Grumman, as the outage was not associated with that contract, or NG. – D.J. Spiker

Clearly that wasn’t the case in 2014. And heaven help us trying to navigate SBE with election night in a swing state with an open presidency in 2016.

But don’t worry. Because at 8:21 AM the day AFTER the election, the problem’s fixed!