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John Foust’s Scorched Earth Campaign

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Foust Country

October isn’t over, so that means John Foust’s collapse into obscurity [2] still has time to get even worse.

During Sunday’s 10th District Debate, John Foust accused Barbara Comstock of practicing the “politics of personal destruction” – in the process of spending his entire time doing exactly that toward Barbara Comstock.

While the nasty, negative tone has been a staple of the Foust campaign from the beginning, John Foust has promised that this last week is going to be the worst, telling supporters at a Saturday morning breakfast that the last week is “not going to be a lot of positive issues.”

It’s a strategy that’s turning his own would-be supporters off (quotes from behind the Winchester Star pay-wall):

He continued that message of negativity even after several attendees suggested he focus instead on what he would bring to the office, if elected…

Front Royal resident Sidney Quinn suggested Foust tell voters what he planned to do, rather than focusing on Comstock attacks.

“When I listen to candidates, I just hear complaints about the other side, and I’m left afterwards [wondering] what’s this guy going to do for me, and I would like to know that,” she said.

Foust said he hoped voters were familiar with his stances on issues by now.

“I’m happy to answer any questions you have on issues certainly, but over the next week, it’s not going to be a lot of positive issues,” Foust said. “We’re hoping that that message has sunk in…”

Another attendee suggested Foust include in his messages not just “what Barbara Comstock is against, but…tell what you’re for in maybe the same message.”

Dear John – If the ladies at the Blue Ridge Democratic Women’s Breakfast are telling you that message hasn’t sunk in, then that message hasn’t sunk in.

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Foust campaign HQ

It’s gotten to the point that Foust’s nasty attacks are all the press can talk about. When choosing not to endorse John Foust this past weekend [4], the Washington Post saying he “shows no spark as a campaigner and no deviation from party talking points.”

Reviews of Foust’s performance at Sunday’s debate described his “attacks,” “aggression,” “pounding,” “hammering,” “went after,” and generally flailed and panicked as he saw his campaign slipping away into obscurity.

The Foust campaign even followed up Monday with a fundraising email from Foust’s wife, Dr. Marilyn Jerome (who still won’t see patients on Medicaid [5]) saying Comstock “is a danger to our children and families.”

You read that right. The Foust campaign, not content to distort and lie about Barbara Comstock’s position on the issues to win, is now just dropping all pretense and saying that she is personally a direct threat do your children and families.

There’s low and then there’s John Foust low.

There’s a reason why Barbara Comstock has received just about every endorsement available from the business community and newspaper in the 10th District. John Foust’s support is the hyper-partisan left base of union and pro-abortion organizations. Comstock has campaigned tirelessly to get her positive message out to the people of the 10th District, building the kind of coalitions Frank Wolf spent a generation working with as Representative.

John Foust knows this. He knows he losing. And so he’s going to do everything in his power to burn Barbara Comstock to the ground because he knows he has nothing left. And it won’t work.

John Foust is done fighting for the 10th District. Now he’s fighting to get his $550,000 in loans back.