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Virginian-Pilot editorial on Forbes ignores facts

This past Friday the Virginian-Pilot lamented that the 4th Congressional District needs “better choices.”

They certainly did not endorse the Democrat, Elliott Fausz, noting his lack of experience both in politics and in policy.

Instead, they spent the better part of their 621 word screed [1] to tear at Forbes, calling him inconsequential, ineffective, ideological, undisciplined, inconsistent, and divisive (including within the party).

How’s that for a glowing endorsement!

To make their case, they cherry-picked a few votes and compared Forbes’ legislative record (one bill in thirteen years) to Rep. Bobby Scott’s four bills in 22 years, Rep. Rob Wittman’s two bills in eight years, and Rep. Scott Rigell’s one bill on Chinese Drywall.

And while I personally find the fact that Hampton Roads legislators have only managed to champion eight bills in two decades rather paltry (not exactly sure of the record of accomplishment for Pickett, Schrock, Drake, Nye, Bateman, and Sisisky predating the current cadre), there is certainly more that goes into a measure of effectiveness.

For example, under Forbes’ watch, the district has successfully fought for and retained most of the jobs in the district associated with the command formerly known as Joint Forces Command. The aircraft carrier fleet has not only been maintained at 11 for the foreseeable future, but no carriers have been moved from Norfolk to other potential permanent homeports. His voice as the chairman of the Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee has been crucial not only to our regional interests, but also our larger role in national security concerns. While his name might not be the chief sponsor of our recent National Defense Authorization Acts, his thoughts and words certainly are integrally woven into the bill.

Forbes has also fought for fiscal discipline. He is one of only 17 legislators who has never voted for a bailout, maintains continual support for the balanced budget amendment, and has been recognized as an effective legislator by both the Americans for Tax Reform and the American Conservative Union.

Forbes has also been a leading voice of caution against the growing strength of the Chinese military – particularly their navy. For the uninformed or willfully ignorant, it might be helpful for them to read Forbes’ recent article in the National Review [2], penned along with former Reagan Secretary of the Navy John Lehman, about the importance of American Seapower. As the chairman of the Congressional China Caucus, it has been Forbes who regularly serves as a conservative voice of reason and caution on matters relating to a potential economic and military competitor in the Pacific.
Forbes also has tirelessly worked on preserving jobs in the Fourth District and creating economic opportunity. In addition to the aforementioned modeling and simulation, he has received the National Association of Manufacturing Award for his efforts in promoting manufacturing in the district. Additionally, he supports Virginia’s efforts to create jobs by being part of the Virginia coalition advocating that the administration allow companies to participate in Lease Sale 220 – exploration and drilling for oil and natural gas in Virginia’s portion of the Outer Continental Shelf.

And I could go on.

Funny how in the Pilot’s endorsement of Sen. Mark Warner [3], they failed to mention his paltry legislative record and that he votes with the president 97 percent of the time – not to mention failing to look at his efforts in ideologically divisive issues. Guess those things don’t matter as much when endorsing an ineffective and inconsequential Democrat (inability to pass a budget for four years as a member of the finance committee, couldn’t get bills to the Senate floor on behalf of Virginia – despite being in the majority, etc.)

We created Bearing Drift ten years ago as a chance to vent against the editorial excesses of the Virginian-Pilot.

It looks like things haven’t changed…except for our growth in readers and their precipitous decline.