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Democrats are all social issues, all the time (Updated)

Or at least that’s what they are telling the New York Times [1]:

The willingness of Mr. Warner, a cautious politician, to challenge his opponent over same-sex marriage, abortion rights, contraception and climate change illustrates the Democrats’ new boldness.

“The public has moved,” Mr. Warner said after a campaign forum with technology executives in Northern Virginia, exactly the sort of voters who have reshaped politics in the state. When he won the governorship in 2001, Mr. Warner distanced himself from the other Democrats on the ticket who had more liberal views on gay rights, gun control and the death penalty.

Now, Democrats win in Virginia by emphasizing those very issues. Senator Tim Kaine did in 2012, and Gov. Terry McAuliffe prevailed last year, with both men winning big among women voters. A new generation of Democratic strategists believe that using cultural attacks as a turnout lever is essential to success in swing states.

“When we polled and focus-grouped, it was so evident you weren’t going to motivate our base unless you were vocal and clear on these issues,” said Robby Mook, Mr. McAuliffe’s campaign manager.

In short, wedge issues can work and Virginia Democrats running statewide, at least, have embraced them with vigor. And success.

You also now know why John Foust unloaded that 30 second ad [2] in the 10th congressional district race. It follows the playbook (and the focus groups).


And speaking of the Foust campaign…the DCCC has launched an ad that’s a greatest hits version of the Democratic wedges:

Foust’s national handlers are sticking to the script. Their candidate? Well, his copy of the script seems to have gone missing [3].