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Hitting Comstock again

More fun and games from the 10th congressional district race…

Last week, I noted how a group called “South Forward [1]” had decided to play in the contest between Barbara Comstock and John Foust. The group’s effort, so far from home, was a bit puzzling until one looked a little closer at the principles behind the organization and discovered that an old Clinton hand is leading the charge. (On a side note, the 10th district Democrats spun my original post on this to make it seem as proof Mrs. Comstock was running “to attack Hillary Clinton [2].” I hope the contortions they went through to reach that conclusion didn’t cause the any permanent physical harm).

But after that post appeared, a reader sent me pictures of a sticker that appeared on the same day South Forward was going door-to-door in the district:
comstock sticker1 [3]

Quite the work of art. There wasn’t enough room left to say Mrs. Comstock also has cooties and was responsible for the Hindenburg disaster. Perhaps those are being saved for the next edition.

But one thing you may notice is that this sticker has no identifier. While this is legally required for most campaign items, it’s not for bumperstickers [4]. Still, as it is a campaign piece, and it is aimed at Comstock, we can and do call on Democrat John Foust’s campaign to condemn it because it’s anonymous, juvenile dreck. Yes, campaigns aren’t beanbag and those with thin skins and weak constitutions need not apply. But we should expect those with strong opinions to at least own up to their work and, whenever possible, put a modicum of thought behind their invective.

Because when someone does Google “Comstock + corruption,” the only article your going to find on Mrs. Comstock is the one I wrote last week [1]…which tells the tale of South Forward, the oily former DNC chairman Don Fowler and the creepy former North Carolina Democratic Party executive director Jay Parmley. That’s not exactly good planning on the creator’s part.

And, of course, what campaign is complete without defaced signs?

comstock sign1 [5]

The dollar signs are a neat trick. But green on blue? The graphic designer wants to have a word with you about your utter lack of color sense…