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Amidst Cantor Shockwaves, Puckett Cleared By an Unexpected Source

As Brian Kirwin rightfully pointed out yesterday [1], Democrats turned on their own faster than you could blink, launching broadsides at outgoing State Senator Phil Puckett, who served his party since 1998, despite being outnumbered in a Republican District.

Idiots on the left, including ‘leading’ journo-blogs like Salon and Huffington Post called Puckett’s resignation a sure sign that the GOP conspired a quid pro quo, a back room deal, a smoke-filled room of impropriety!

ProgressVA jumped on the bandwagon and demanded a thorough and complete investigation from the DoJ and the Attorney General Herring on the dirtiness.

Then Puckett let it be known he wasn’t taking the Tobacco Commission job.

ProgressVA stuck to their guns, dropping the DoJ & Herring, and called for a State Senate investigation, claiming their earlier email was sent ‘in error’. (The error was they were, ya know, flat out wrong, but ya know…)

Virginia Dems even put out fundraising blasts as a result, claiming the back room deal was illegal, dirty, underhanded and a way to circumvent ObamaCare! The nerve!

All that talk was put to rest, resoundingly today, by an unexpected source.

Now-FORMER Majority Leader Dick Saslaw. The leading Democrat in the very body that Puckett left.

Indeed, Saslaw thoroughly and completely rejected [2] the very notion that any deal had taken place, citing firsthand knowledge. This rejection was a solid backhanded at Puckett’s critics in the media and in his own party, including those in leadership in the rudderless Virginia Democrats.

“There’s some personal issues involved,” Saslaw said, though he did not want to describe them. “There was never any deal, okay?”

(You’ll note, if clicking the link, the revelation that Puckett indeed did not agree to a deal, is buried at the bottom, after more conspiracy theory fodder. God Bless you Washington Post.)

So with a stroke, the State Senate will be back in session Thursday, with a budget passed and on the desk of Governor Terry McAuliffe. The leading Democrat in the legislative body most affected by Puckett’s resignation has explained, on the record, that there was no deal.

Now this won’t stop the drivel coming from the left. But hey, Brian Kirwin, apparently not every Democrat is willing to stab their friends in the back.

At least the Virginia Way isn’t completely dead.