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McAuliffe ditches two from Hampton Roads off transportation board

Governor McAuliffe shook up the Commonwealth Transportation Board by kicking off two Hampton Roads members before their terms were complete and replacing them with out-of-towners from Lynchburg and Richmond.


According to the Pilot, Hampton Roads folks don’t share his vision.

McAuliffe said he wanted to bring in “appointees who share my vision” now so they could “be part of the decision-making” on the six-year plan.(Virginian-Pilot [1])

Wait a minute, Brian (you say). Didn’t he make a Virginia Beach guy the Secretary of Transportation? Yes, and the first thing the Secretary did was tell Virginia Beach exactly what kind of light rail they were allowed to consider and what kind they couldn’t.

And of course the two new members from outside Hampton Roads have great credentials. They were politicians who endorsed McAuliffe for Governor.

Wonder if Terry will host an event at the mansion for them while he’s at it. After all, an appointment to the CTB for terms that weren’t even finished is pretty good payback for political supporters.

Won’t do a thing for Hampton Roads Transportation, though.

We in Hampton Roads must not share the Governor’s “vision” either.