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Bearing Drift Photo Contest – Name that building!

Howie Lind is out with another attack ad, slamming Barbara Comstock for no apparent reason.  While the ad is generally nonsense, there was one thing that jumped out at me when I saw it (other than the fact that Craig Orndorff seems to be the only person under 70 that Howie knows) – this building in the final shot.

Screen Shot 2014-04-18 at 10.00.50 AMI consider myself a fan of old architecture and I’m intrigued by this building – and also because it doesn’t look like anything I’m familiar with in DC, Maryland or Virginia.  Some folks have suggested it might be the Naval Academy, but it doesn’t look like any buildings on the Academy’s grounds.  It also doesn’t look like most of the State Capitol buildings on the East Coast.

Can you name this building?

And, more importantly, can anybody figure out why Howie took a picture in front of it instead of somewhere instantly recognizable, like the U.S. Capitol?