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Warner does the Shad

The annual Shad Planking was held yesterday and, as is traditional with this event, a sign war broke out:

Yes, Sen. Warner is uncomfortable with his consistent support for Obamacare. However, he does deserve credit for attending the Planking, something that Terry McAuliffe refused to do last year and Tim Kaine managed to avoid the year before that. Remember this [1]?

“Shad Planking is a Virginia tradition that has totally and completely and utterly outlived its usefulness,” Elleithee said. “There are much better ways and much more productive ways to campaign in rural Virginia than going to an event where there are more Confederate flags than there are undecided voters.”

Senator Warner disagrees. And his efforts to go where Mo & Co. refused to set foot tells us why Warner, even with that Obamacare vote, remains the most popular elected official in Virginia (even if his re-elect number sits, for now, at 49 percent).