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PPP: Warner up over Gillespie, but can’t crack 50 percent

PPP has a new poll (which looks to have been sponsored by MoveOn) of Virginia’s Senate race and Medicaid expansion, The results can be seen below, and they are very interesting:

Virginia Medicaid Polling Results [1] by MoveOn_org [2]

Warner over Gillespie (who first has to become the GOP nominee) by 14 points, with 16 percent undecided. The number of note: Warner is at 49 percent. Of even greater interest: Warner captures 22 percent of the self-identified GOP vote.

On the issue of Medicaid expansion, the aggregate slightly favors Virginia taking the federal money and running. The partisan breakdown, though, is worth nothing for the number of self-described independents (53 percent) who say “no.” The issue gets its support from Democrats (85 percent).

Some one will be able to make a little hay with that result…