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Fauquier supervisor: County critics ‘will need Kevlar’

By Kenric Ward

A verbal war of words has triggered one official’s call for bulletproof vests in Fauquier County.

Supervisor Holder Trumbo, in a feisty Facebook exchange [1] with his political critics, wrote: “I (sic) sick of this nonsense and am going to stand up for my county and if you can’t take it you’re in for a pretty rough ride.”

“A sleeping giant is waking up and folks who attack without good reason will need their Kevlar,” the Republican supervisor wrote.

Martha Boneta, a local farmer embroiled in a long-running legal battle with the county over land-use and “special event” issues, said she was “heartbroken” over Trumbo’s latest salvo.

“County elected officials are supposed to represent all the citizens and should be peacemakers setting an example for cordial, kind and respectful discourse,” said Boneta, who is suing the county [2] for $2 million.

In a January post, Trumbo called Fox News’ coverage of the Boneta case “bullshit [3].”

Beyond common courtesy, there is the county Code of Ethics [4], which states:

“The professional and personal conduct of members must be above reproach and avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Members shall refrain from abusive conduct, personal charges or verbal attacks upon the character or motives of other members of the Board of Supervisors, boards, commissions, and committees, the staff or public.”

State Delegate Scott Lingamfelter, R-Woodbridge, declined to criticize Trumbo, but questioned the effectiveness of any public official who behaves in “ill-tempered” fashion.

Mark Fitzgibbons, a lawyer who has organized tea party and farmer protests against local land-use regulations, said Trumbo should be censured.

“Officials in Fauquier County and within the Republican Party need to step in and rein in this type of dangerous and irresponsible behavior,” Fitzgibbons said.

Trumbo did not respond to Watchdog’s phone and email inquiries.

Kenric Ward is Virginia bureau chief of Watchdog.org [5], where this article originally appeared. Reprinted with permission.