Virginia Senate Democrats have a war on women.
Virginia House Democrats should be ticked off.
HB1 increases funds available for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Easy enough, right? Every House Democrat voted for it and it passed 99-0.
But Senate Democrats realized it was Del. Barbara Comstock’s bill. And since she’s running for Congress, Priority Number 1 for Senate Democrats is to kill that bill.
And kill it they did. Party line. Every Democrat in committee voting no.
“No” to victims of sexual violence. That’s today’s Democratic Party.
Democrats offered a lame excuse – they killed Sen. Janet Howell’s bill that was identical to Comstock’s bill, but the House amended Comstock’s bill to correct the problems in the Senate bill.
Senate Democrats are either intellectually vapid, illiterate or brazenly partisan (and a serious case can be made for “all of the above”).
So Senate Democrats hurt the victims of sexual and domestic violence over language in the bill that wasn’t even in the bill anymore.
Dems claim it had nothing to do with Comstock. BUT….
Look at HB 994 to fight human trafficking. Passed the House unanimously with every Democrat voting yes. Got to the same Senate Committee and the same 9 Democrats voted against tough penalties for human traffickers.
Patron of that bill? Barbara Comstock!
Senate Democrats support rapists, wife beaters and human traffickers just to stick it to Comstock.
Senators Marsh, McEachin, Saslaw, Howell, Lucas, Edwards, Puller, Petersen, and Wexton. You are foot soldiers in the War on Women and you owe them and the House Democrats who stood by them a big apology.
Reconsider the bill and pass it.