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The Real Climate Deniers

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So with winter coming in like a lion, where is global warming when we need it?  (OK, all you self-serious, pious, leftist control freaks – I was just kidding…..well, sort of).  But one way or another, the problem is we just haven’t seen any global warming this, uh, century.  The alarmists say weather is not climate, but at some point in this cataclysmic global warming crisis, it does actually have to get warmer, doesn’t it?  But that’s not a problem for them – they’ll just refuse to publish any contradictory arguments – we’ll flesh this out below.

It must be galling, this absence of any discernible global warming.  So galling that it has forced the most most skilled rhetoricians in the environmental extremist movement to rather seamlessly morph global warming into “climate change.”  In addition to purging the word that has so inconveniently refused to rear its head this, uh, century, it makes the whole enterprise seem more significant and far-reaching.  Think “the people” or “for the children,” each used interminably – and often with great success – by the left to justify their redistributionist and power-grabbing schemes.

The left has actually been backed into enough of a corner that they are reduced to relying on little more than the thin gruel of attributing virtually every natural disaster to “climate change.”  And when confronted by global warming deniers (again with the rhetoric – think “holocaust deniers”) with the truth of no global warming this century, their rehearsed retort is “you obviously don’t understand the science.”  In other words, you are an ignorant reactionary if you don’t understand there doesn’t have to be actual global warming occurring for global warming to be a metaphysical, existential threat.  Oh.

Excuse me, but isn’t this the same crowd that in the 1970’s had everyone shaking in their boots about the opposite threat, an impending ice age, including the mavens at Time magazine who saw fit to alert the nation with a cover story about it.  But pay no mind.  This time, these people really mean it.

Nevertheless, our roundly denounced agreement with Iran is getting so much press right now we might be missing other easily denouncable international agreements the administration wishes to use to fundamentally transform America.  We recently witnessed the conclusion of the latest round of U.N. climate talks.  Fortunately for all of us, there was no denouncable agreement decided upon – they merely set a date for a future denouncable agreement – 2015.

The way I figure it, having no background in climatology or atmospheric science makes me just about as qualified as many or most of the “scientists” that signed the original global warming petition.  However, Patrick Michaels, former research professor of Environmental Sciences at University of Virginia for thirty years, is actually qualified to speak intelligently on the issue, and according to him [2], in the time since the Rio “Earth Summit” twenty-one years ago “we entered into an era with no significant warming.”

What then is the summit about? The same as always, an attempt by the chicken littles of the world to be taken seriously, which means adjusting and heightening their doomsday rhetoric in order to extract all the funding their hearts desire.

According to Professor Michaels, “[t]he real business is to serve as a two-week hectoring platform for poor countries to euchre the developed world for money to adapt to the supposed climate horrors we are raining down on them.  The usual figure bandied about is $100 billion a year, mainly from U.S. taxpayers (and their children and their grandchildren).”

The problem is that as the science of warming, or more precisely, the lack of any science demonstrating warming, continues to amass, the global warming proponents response is to shut out the voices calling them on the carpet.

I once heard someone say they voted for Republicans for President simply because the country needs an aggressive and critical press, and he knew with a Democrat in office, the press would be nothing more than complacent water carriers.  Can any honest appraisal of the Fourth Estate not reach the same conclusion?

The latest outrages come from Popular Science and the Los Angeles Times.  They have both decided that people who disagree with the global warming (uh, I mean climate change) models favored by editors should simply be silenced.

Popular Science did it the easy way by deciding to simply disallow online comments on their articles.  Lest you think this might have something to do with boorish/racist/sexist comments by a few idiots, oh no, the editor made it quite clear [3] it has to do with the potential public policy implications of people espousing ideas not pre-approved.   “[C]ommenters shape public opinion; public opinion shapes public policy; public policy shapes how and whether and what research gets funded–you start to see why we feel compelled to hit the “off” switch.”

We should actually thank her for being so candid, for such decision-makers rarely lay bare such motives.

Never mind that, as Slate Magazine, hardly a right wing vessel, puts it [4] , “[t]his conception is antithetical to the spirit of free inquiry that has always driven scientific discovery.”  Forget that significant errors in scientific research have been revealed in comments sections [5].

The Los Angeles Times isn’t so much worried about their comments section.  They are concerned with full-blown letters and articles which counter their currently held religious beliefs on global warming (woops, there I go again. I mean climate change.  Sorry).  The editors at the L.A. Times [6] have simply decided that any opinion that does not comport with their own does not deserve to be heard. “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — a body made up of the world’s top climate scientists — said it was 95% certain that we fossil-fuel-burning humans are driving global warming. The debate right now isn’t whether this evidence exists (clearly, it does) but what this evidence means for us.”

As we get closer to the next conference in 2015 and hear all about how we need to eviscerate our cheapest energy options of coal and natural gas from hydraulic fracturing, remember that global warming is no longer an argument about science.  From those on the left, it is a religious tenet that cannot be questioned.

I don’t know for sure if human activity has caused climate change, or if we are in a discernible warming or cooling period.  Neither does anyone else.  But there are a couple of things of which I am sure: before we damn human production and development and turn back to the cave, we need to see very strong evidence of profound damage, evidence which does not exist.  And, if Democrats/leftists continue as America’s ruling class, you will never find out the truth from the media.