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WoW – dispatch from the real War on Women

Everywhere I turn, I find Virginians who are fed up with the war on women meme.

They are asking questions like, if regulations on abortion clinics [1]represent a war on women, then what should we call it when a woman is arrested for driving [2] her sick dad to get medical help?

McAuliffe has said he won’t compromise when it comes to protecting abortion suppliers from regulation, even claiming he’ll invent a “guidance opinion” nullifying Virginia law. By contrast, as Teiro Cuccinelli has shared, her husband has done more to protect Virginia women than Terry ever has.

Need a quick summary?

war on women visually explained [3]
war on women visually explained

Preventing Gosnell-like doctors from harming women is PRO-woman.

Preventing women from getting an education, voting, or even driving a car is ANTI-woman.

Got it?

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