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Yes, Virginia, Cuccinelli has a message!

It took a little prodding, cajoling, and, indeed, failure, but I think we finally have the candidate we’ve been waiting for: Ken Cuccinelli.

Obviously, the news of the Quinnipiac Poll Norm wrote about [1] has buoyed the spirits of what had seemed to be a listless and floundering campaign, but what really caught my attention was this crystal clarion focus that finally originated out of the press shop:

The election is simple – and boils down to a few main points:

If you think Obamacare is a disaster for you, your family and business
If you think state government should not be run like an Obamacare website
If you think a tax increase of $1,700 per year is a bad idea for Virginia’s families

Then the choice couldn’t be any more clear!

Ken Cuccinelli is the only candidate with a record of fighting for Virginia and a substantive plan to create 58,000 jobs and ease tax burdens by $700 for every Virginia family.

Have the headwinds finally turned? Is this race going to actually be about one candidate who has stood up to federal government overstretch against one who wants to bring Washington into every hospital, neighborhood, street, and, dare I say, bedroom – literally? Will this be about one candidate who wants to let you keep your existing health coverage and tax dollars to take care of your family and responsibilities versus someone who wants to confiscate your earnings before you ever see them? Is this race finally about someone who is honest to a fault against a pathological liar?

Yes…let’s have that debate. And with less than six days to go, it didn’t come a moment too soon.

Even Tom Davis has taken notice:

“Watch out folks, Cuccinelli is one of the best closers in Virginia and the President has upped the ante by coming in this weekend! This has shaped up to be a big opportunity for folks to send Washington a message on ObamaCare.”

It’s on.