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Virginia Democrats robocall claims Cuccinelli is not strong on life

The DPVA shows its class by labeling the GOP ticket as extreme.  Irony alert: their robocalls are saying Cuccinelli now is too moderate! [1]
The DPVA shows its class by labeling the GOP ticket as extreme. Irony alert: their robocalls are saying Cuccinelli now is too moderate!

“Ken Cuccinelli will say anything to get elected,” says the smooth-talking Democratic Party of Virginia spokes-flak in a recent robocall to Chesapeake residents.

The call is meant to make voters think that Cuccinelli is not actually waging a “war on women” (see exhibit A [2] and B [3] for how liberals really feel (h/t: HotAir [4])) but is actually soft on abortion:


At a recent forum, AG Cuccinelli was getting into the complexities of the abortion issue and effectively said that, as governor, he’s not signing any bill that challenges Roe v. Wade – because…it…would…go…nowhere.

Cuccinelli elaborates in a recent newsletter [5] to supporters:

Let me be clear, my comments last week were about Medicaid funding for abortions, in which I acknowledged I would abide by current federal law that requires such funding for cases of rape, incest, and to protect the life of the mother. Right now this is the law, and is only relevant to the annual question of Medicaid funding.

I have always been honest and upfront with voters on where I stand. And on this issue, my position has not changed. I am opposed to abortion, except when it is necessary to save the life of the mother. And I have always sought to preserve and protect a culture of life here in Virginia.

In the call “Michelle” says she’s concerned with Cuccinelli’s “honesty” with respect to his long-standing pro-life position. Michelle says that despite Cuccinelli’s claims to be strong against abortion, he’s actually a squish because he thinks the current law of the land is, well, the law of the land.


Yeah…that’s why I drove nearly 30 minutes tonight to record the message left on a staunch conservative’s answering machine (thanks, Don!). And, apparently he’s not the only one getting this call: conservatives all across Virginia are getting hammered by this nonsense via voice-mail.

“It’s a suppression tactic – that’s all it is,” said Chris LaCivita, senior Cuccinelli strategist. “For a campaign that’s claiming it’s up by seven points, this seems kind of odd.”

Odd, indeed. And desperate.

Originally posted at Virginia Politics On Demand [6]