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Who’s the turkey now?


While waiting for ‘healthcare.gov’ to come back after its third crash this morning, I was tooling around the news and stumbled upon a fascinating report from the left-leaning (*understatement) “Talking Points Memo” reporter Hunter Walker. His story (read it here [2]) details $120k of campaign contributions to Terry McAuliffe from a company that ran the shipping into Liberia for convicted war criminal Charles Taylor. The company defends the monies they paid to “non-governmental accounts” that Taylor used for sub machine guns by telling Mr. Walker that the company, LISCR, had “no role in determining how the money it sent to the Liberian government was spent.”

The same official, LISCR chief executive Scott Bergeron, defended the $120k the company gave to McAuliffe’s campaign by saying that “The people who operate the company are more right leaning than they are left leaning. So, we’re not a politically oriented company. We don’t make donations to politicians” (though TPM gleefully points out that they DID give to George Allen and Tom Davis… who then gave money to a state Senate candidate named Ken in 2002) and that the money, listed as from LISCR, is REALLY from the company’s chairman Yoram Cohen “on the basis of the friendship” between them. Well, they can always fall back on the tried-and-true “we had no role in determining how the money they sent Terry McAuliffe was spent.” (I presume it won’t be used the same way Taylor used his.)

My point.. as ‘healtcare.gov’ returns with a message thanking me for my patience (or is that ‘patients’)… is that I’d rather have a turkey dinner with Jonnie Williams than Charles Taylor. Just sayin’…