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Why the Cuccinelli Campaign Should Be Ken’s For (Our) Kids

One of the ongoing frustrations with some Republicans statewide is the lack of cohesive message on what is uniting Republican nominee for governor Ken Cuccinelli’s campaign. We at Bearing Drift think we have the solution:

Ken’s for Kids.

To whit:

– Cuccinelli’s centerpiece to his campaign has been his education proposal, investing in our children and their futures.
– Cuccinelli took a stand against the ‘King’s Dominion law’ in the debate on Wednesday, arguing that we shouldn’t be sacrificing our children’s education for tourism dollars.
– Cuccinelli’s latest ad focuses on Commonwealth’s Attorney Lisa Caruso and how Ken Cuccinelli is focused on protecting children.

Cuccinelli could also easily tie in his tax cut proposal to this message, arguing that what better way to raise our children than to give parents more flexibility in their household incomes, that parents needs jobs to provide for their children, and the tax proposals creates 58,000 jobs. Expanding Medicaid in Virginia would put burden on our children in the future, meaning higher taxes and no way to pay for them.

It’s a simple message, but could be a winning one. I don’t pretend to be a consultant, but this could tie in multiple messages, help with the gender gap, and give an overall, here’s what I want to do, and here’s why.

Just a thought.