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McAuliffe’s Strategy as Governor: Use the Force!

We’re getting a pretty good look on what Terry McAuliffe thinks he would do if he finally wound up being Governor.

Would he work to get bills passed in the General Assembly? Nah…he says he wouldn’t even bother reading them [1]. (How Pelosi of him!)

But he also seems excited about violating his own proposed gift ban trying to get legislators liquored up.

When someone asked how he planned to work with people to get things done in Richmond, McAuliffe replied that he would wine and dine them. (WAPO [1])

That’s gonna be some cheap eats and wine to not exceed McAuliffe’s $100 gift ban.

But today we learned how McAuliffe will run the state.

He’ll use the FORCE!!!

“Democrat Terry McAuliffe is telling supporters that as Virginia governor he would issue a “guidance opinion” that would exempt existing abortion clinics from complying with strict new health and safety standards. The only problem: State officials say there is no such thing as a guidance opinion and that governors have no such formal authority.” (WT [2])

jedi-jar-jar [3]

Jar Jar McAuliffe! Put that lightsabre away before you hurt yourself!

It’s obvious T-Mac has no idea what he’s saying or doing. He told the press months ago he had no clue what the Cabinet was. Now he thinks he can just wave a hand and issue some “guidance” power that no one in the history of Virginia has ever discovered, and everyone will gasp at the power of Jar Jar?

Even Yoda is saying, “He is not ready.”