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Enough with the guilt by association nonsense

It never ceases to amaze me how so many smart people can be distracted by complete nonsense [1].

The outrage pouring out of Democratic candidates over the bad joke John Whitbeck told at the Constitution Day rally held yesterday in Loudoun is both pointless and a waste of everyone’s time and energy.  When Democrats and the leftist blogosphere do this, they are essentially trolling.

John Whitbeck is not running for anything.  He’s not on the ballot in November.  Why we still, to this day, play these idiotic guilt-by-association games is beyond me.  It is not the responsibility of Ken Cuccinelli – nor anyone else – to criticize, condemn or otherwise explain or disagree with every stupid joke, statement or question asked of him or spoken in his presence.   People say stupid things every day.  Nobody has enough time – not even someone as stubborn as me – to confront and address every stupid comment made in their presence every day.  Why we hold political candidates to a higher standard than we would hold for ourselves, I don’t know.

We’re in the middle of a major campaign for Governor.  This issue does not give voters any better idea how Ken or Terry would govern if elected.  All it does is waste time and deflect away from legitimate issues that actually matter to voters.  That the 10th District Republican Chair hasn’t figured out that he shouldn’t be making religious oriented jokes in public has zero impact on the gubernatorial race.  All it shows is his poor judgment.  Not Ken’s, not anyone else’s.

Guilt by association is a ridiculous political tactic, taken by those who are desperate to smear.  It’s time that both parties stop doing it.  If someone says something stupid about Republicans, Catholics, the Irish, Redskins fans or anybody else in Terry McAuliffe’s presence, he is under no obligation to correct them.  That’s not his job.  His job is to explain why he thinks he’d be a better governor than Ken Cuccinelli.

Ken is not John Whitbeck’s mother.  He doesn’t have to teach him manners.  So stop demanding he do that, Democrats.  It says nothing about Ken, me, or anybody else in the Republican party, and trying to draw connections is just dumb.

We’ve had enough dumb in this campaign.  We’ve had enough side shows in this campaign.  The voters don’t need or want any more.

Stop trolling.