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NOT BREAKING NEWS: Virginian-Pilot to Endorse Terry McAuliffe Tomorrow

In a SHOCKING development akin to the sun rising in the east, setting in the west, a clock striking 12 twice a day, the Virginian-Pilot ‘teased’ via twitter tonight that they would be announcing their endorsement for the Governor’s race in tomorrow’s edition.

It will be Terry McAuliffe.

I have no inside knowledge, no sources in the Pilot editorial board, but of course, I don’t need them.

McAuliffe’s opponent is Ken Cuccinelli.

The same Cuccinelli who the Pilot used their 2009 endorsement of Steve Shannon as an attack ad against. The same Cuccinelli who Pilot’s board has constantly been complaining about, time and again.

The good news? It’s coming in the first week of September.

So while everyone expected it anyway, Pilot can just get it out of the one way now.

So Pilot endorses McAuliffe. About as surprising as ‘Republican’ Linwood Holton endorsing a Democrat.

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