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Larry the MOOC and the HoD races

small__247155393 [1]Larry Sabato’s “Crystal Ball” newsletter is just one of those things you should read. Not only because it is bound to stir controversy, but because it contains surprises.

Like this one, where we learn that Larry is launching a MOOC [2]:

The four-week, massive open online course (MOOC), “The Kennedy Half Century,” will begin on Oct. 21, with two hours of video instruction each week by Prof. Sabato. The course is available through Coursera, an educational website that partners with some of the world’s top universities, including the University of Virginia, to provide free online courses. Anyone can register for the course at www.coursera.org/course/kennedy [3].

While the class may not be to everyone’s taste, it’s heartening to see Sabato and UVA embrace these online classes. Maybe one day, they will both veer away from boomer nostalgia…

And for your discussion, Sabato’s shop laid out its view of this year’s House of Delegates races [4]. To no one’s surprise, it looks like the GOP will retain control of the chamber. The only real question is by what margin, and that’s where the gubernatorial contest comes into play:

As long as the gubernatorial contest at the top of the ticket remains close, the GOP may suffer, at most, a net loss of about five seats in November. However, even if McAuliffe wins the governorship, Republicans won’t lose much more than that, and possibly fewer seats. If Cuccinelli surges to victory, his party will come close to maintaining its current majority and might even net one seat.

The betting window (purely for entertainment purposes) is now open…

photo credit: Aaron Webb [5] via photopin [6] cc [7]