The Prince of Darkness Endorses McAuliffe?


Hot from the RTD Miami Herald, longtime Bolling advisor and strategist Boyd Marcus has endorsed Democrat Terry McAuliffe:

Marcus was an architect of Republican former Gov. Jim Gilmore’s 1997 successful campaign. He also has advised the campaigns of U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Richmond.

Most recently, Marcus guided the aborted gubernatorial bid of Republican Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, who has refused to rally behind the man who won the GOP nomination, Ken Cuccinelli.

Thank you, PR Newswire…

The snipped also announces the dissolution of Marcus and Allen, as Ray Allen — architect of the George Allen era — will be buying out Benedict Marcus’ shares.

Any dissimulation about collusion between Bolling and McAuliffe have now been completely eradicated.  This isn’t statesmanship; it’s a temper tantrum — and perhaps payback for longitme Democratic strategist Paul Goldman’s endorsement of Ken Cuccinelli’s education plan last week.

As sands through the hourglass…

UPDATE:  So here’s the real question:


What was Boyd Marcu$’ price?

Collaborators have always been the downfall of political movements.

God money I’ll do anything for you…
God money just tell me what you want me to…

Looks like Boyd was in the game for different reasons.

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