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“Not every bagman is meant to be a prince”

With apologies to Brian [1]

Bloomberg’s Francis Wilkinson has this piece [2] regarding Hillary Clinton and her very, very likely run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. Wilkinson pleads with Secretary Clinton to “spare us the sleaze,” the most high-profile example of which is Terry McAuliffe. One can debate whether Mrs. Clinton has such powers. But it is the way in which Wilkinson describes McAuliffe that bears special mention:

Terry McAuliffe, the huckster who managed to do well by doing Clinton, is running for governor of Virginia. Not every bagman is meant to be a prince. Bebe Rebozo, Nixon’s floating bank, never ran for governor of Florida — he managed to be content with a yacht and a solicitous friend in the White House. Can’t McAuliffe be satisfied with his connections and the riches he has strip-mined from them?

And this from a piece favorable to Clinton.

But it also gives me a new way to look at Terry McAuliffe…

Bebe Rebozo [3]

Bebe…Terry. Hmmm.