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Terry McAuliffe Hearts Sodomy

In what has to be the oddest, most repulsive, and perhaps oddly construed e-mail fundraising letter — something that every spam filter in Virginia probably caught —  the McAuliffe campaign has decided that all things in Virginia must turn on one core issue.


So imperative is sodomy in the hearts of Team McAuliffe, they must send you an e-mail.  Oh, and beg for cash.  In the context of sodomy, of course.

In an e-mail entitled “Why am I emailing you about sodomy?” McAuliffe campaign manager Robby Mook decides to talk about Terry McAuliffe’s unabashed love and desire for sodomy… while bemoaning the lack of “positive message” from the Cuccinelli campaign.

You gotta read it to believe it:

Friend, you might have heard something shocking if you were watching TV Monday morning.

“One of [Ken Cuccinelli’s] campaign promises is to reinstate the so-called crimes against nature law, which would among other things, outlaw oral sex among consenting adults, married people, all kinds of folks, making it a felony.”

That wasn’t a sketch on The Daily Show — it was a discussion of the news on ABC’s The View.

Instead of focusing on the pressing issues facing the Commonwealth, Ken Cuccinelli is spending his time supporting an anti-sodomy law that criminalizes consensual sex between adults. Seriously.

We need to raise $100,000 by the end of July to make sure Virginia’s next Governor is someone who is focused on jobs — not someone who is fighting for an outdated and offensive law.

So let’s get this one strai– um, sort this out.  McAuliffe is talking about sodomy and needs to raise $100,000 because McAuliffe wants to talk about sodomy

 circular_reasoning [1]

Yeah… something tells me that McAuliffe isn’t having a very good time responding to all the GreenTech inquiries.

Pro-tip, fellas.  Don’t run on sodomy.