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The Richmonder: Sources Confirm McDonnell Negotiating Resignation

governors_mansion [1]

Take it with a grain of salt considering the source, but… J.C. Wilmore being plugged in pretty well with the Richmond legal community, this is no longer a “rumor”:

Multiple sources in Richmond’s legal community have confirmed to me that the investigation of Star Scientific by state and federal prosecutors turned up what they feel is sufficient evidence to charge Virginia’s Republican Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife Maureen with one or more felonies and in consequence, McDonnell is attempting to negotiate his resignation in exchange for no prosecution of Virginia’s first couple.

If you want to read the rest of the screed, by all means do so [2].  Just don’t come here asking for your 5 minutes of life back.

Now keep in mind that some folks have been absolutely savage against Mr. Deutsch thus far.  If they are wrong, and at this point it increasingly appears to be the case, perhaps it’s time we had a deeper conversation between independent new media and the camp followers?

Do with this information as you will…

Meanwhile, Jim Geraghty over at NRO pretty much seals the deal on all massive and strenuous effort by Virginia Democrats to try to chain Ken Cuccinelli to the millstone of Bob McDonnell [3]:

McAuliffe and his campaign appear to believe that in order to win the governor’s race, they need Virginians to believe that his rival is really Todd Akin. Cuccinelli and his campaign appears to believe that in order to win, they need Virginians to believe that his rival is really Terry McAuliffe.


One might want to consider that both then-Governors Tim Kaine and Mark Warner both participated in the same culture of gifts in Richmond, not to mention several other Democratic members of the General Assembly.  There’s a big difference between state trade trips to Israel and Taiwan, and Redskins and NASCAR tickets, eh?

Physician, heal thyself?