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Must Have Been Carrying Some Bottled Water…

Now folks, this ain’t news [1]:

“This is a personal matter and is being addressed by the family,” said McDonnell spokesman Tucker Martin.

…and done.

Was it Perrier?  Zeltzer Seltzer?  Soho?  Pelligrino?!

Still — given all that has transpired in Charlottesville and overzealous ABC officials [2], one can’t help but question the, um… timing… of it all:

Media outlets report that Elizabeth Daly, 20, was confronted on April 11 by plainclothes after she bought sparkling water, cookie dough and ice cream at a store in Charlottesville. The agents suspected Daly had bought beer. She attempted to flee and was charged with two felonies. She spent the night in jail.

A prosecutor later dropped the charges.

Way to go, Virginia.