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Attention Left: Attack Alec Baldwin like you attacked Paula Deen

In full disclosure, Paula Deen campaigned for Barack Obama, so conservative she is not.

But after admitting under oath that years ago she used the same language as most successful rappers, Food Network, Wal-Mart, Target, Smithfield’s Foods and almost everyone who markets her stuff have fired her, disconnected with her, and made her a national pariah.

Let’s see what they do with Alec Baldwin.

Follow this link [1] if you want to read the homophobic, obscenity-laced rant Alec Baldwin launched on Twitter.

Currently, Alec Baldwin’s movies are on Wal-Mart and Target shelves. His “30 Rock” is in syndication, collecting a whopping $800,000 per episode.

Capital One pays him big bucks to star in their commercials.

Their response? “No Comment”

Will the left defend their darling, or hold him to the same standards they hold for everyone else?