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House Democrat Candidates Campaign against Democrats

The Democratic Party of Virginia is in such disarray that their candidates for the House of Delegates are actually campaigning against what House Democrats support.

Some confusion was expected with their lackluster statewide ticket. This is the second consecutive cycle Democrats nominated a statewide election loser to run for Governor. Lazy Ralph and Red Herring don’t improve the prospects.

But one would expect Democrat candidates for the House of Delegates to at least not come out of the gate trashing their own Party.

I’ve seen lit from several of these Democrats, and to say they are throwing what they hope will be their Democrat colleagues under the bus is an understatement.

FACT: 81% of House Democrats voted for the 2013 Transportation Act that raises significant revenues for transportation.

These new candidates are acting like it never happened. A few of them throw in a whole bunch of stuff like audits and accountability that Republicans have been advocating for a decade against opposition from Democrats.

One idiot actually proposes things that were actually passed in legislation years ago.

I know it’s hard to change a Democrat playbook, but wouldn’t you think that after 81% of the Party supported a transportation solution, its newer candidates would support it rather than pretend it never happened and, like Oliver, still ask for more?