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Schapiro: GOP Has Something Worth Defending; T-Mac Not Worth The Effort?

When Jeff Schapiro with the Richmond Times Dispatch throws in the towel, you know it’s bad for the Dems.  On the Republican ticket, Schapiro seems almost… well… envious:

They are committed to ideas. They vote their hearts. They have — in Cuccinelli, Jackson and Obenshain — candidates who speak to both. They have seen effective conservative governance in Richmond, despite Gov. Bob McDonnell’s betrayal of the Republican no-new-taxes creed. And they have stacked the deck, carving legislative districts that literally and figuratively keep Virginia — in the aggregate, a centrist state — on the right course.

They have something worth defending.

That is the Democrats’ principal argument for replacing it: that Virginians should be frightened by what the GOP might do if Cuccinelli becomes governor.

Worth a read [1].

Say what you will about “Good Copy” but there are few people who can master the well placed literary incision like Jeff Schapiro.