Contraband Chickens in Rural Fauquier

You can’t make this stuff up, folks:

At 12, he chose to write a proposal to keep chickens. When the proposal passed muster, Gisselquist helped his son build a chicken coop and bought him some chickens. A year later, Jesse wrote a second proposal for turkeys. Together with his father’s seed money, Jesse was able to build an impressive home business for a 14 year old. He now sells baby chicks, baby turkey poults, organic turkeys, and chicken eggs.

What neither Gisselquist counted on was legal trouble for their lawful activities: on 14 April, the Fauquier County Magistrate, C. M. Harding, heard the complaints of Mrs. Elizabeth Connell, regarding the chickens, turkeys, and guinea kept by her neighbor’s, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gisselquist.

For more details on what is going on in Fauquier, keep checking in on Fauquier free citizen and watch for your own local ordinances. Yes, the war on family farms is quiet… but claiming victims every day.

Turkeys, folks. You know, the kind that run around in the wild all the time? Banned in Fauquier.

Try that on for ridiculous.

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