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The Idea of a Catholic Society

James Kalb over at Catholic World Report muses on the possibilities:

Times are bad for Catholics now, but times change, other people have problems too, and we don’t know how things will look in fifty or a hundred years. Politics have not always been liberal, and won’t remain so forever. I’ve argued that the Catholic view is likely to be more enduring and resilient than the liberal one, simply because it’s more adequate to reality. If that’s right, and social leaders generally come to adopt more and more of the Catholic view and look to it as a way of understanding their jobs, society will stop being liberal and become Catholic. Why would that development be something for a Catholic to object to?

It’s an interesting conversation [1] to say the least that seems to have very suddenly picked up the interest of the Catholic intelligentsia [2] this week.

The overarching question is very simple: what would a government dominated by Catholics look like?  Feel like?  What priorities would it demand?  What would it tolerate?  What would it legislate?  Are liberalism (in the political sense) and Catholicism so utterly incompatible, or do Catholic ideas of government fulfill the liberal ideal?

Interesting speculation, if such a thing is in your interests.