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Jackson takes on the NSA

An interesting press release from the EW Jackson campaign — one that makes me wonder why no one else is swinging for the same fence:

E.W. Jackson, Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, released the following statement on the Federal government’s collection of Verizon phone records:

“The Verizon phone records sweep is further proof that the Federal government is completely out of control and systematically violating the rights and freedom of Americans. We are not going to allow this to go unchallenged here in Virginia. Whether you are conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican, it has to send a chill down your spine that the government is monitoring your telephone, email and internet records.

That’s all well and good. Using a current issue, expressing an opinion (that speaks to the base, and perhaps beyond it). But then we get the twist:

“Anyone who ever doubted the unconstitutional nature of the Patriot Act should now be able to see clearly that the door to its abuse has been opened. This is outrageous. We are making a formal inquiry to the Attorney General of the United States [1] to confirm whether or not Virginia’s citizens have been included in these phone record sweeps. If so, I urge Virginia’s Attorney General to bring suit to stop it as a violation of the Fourth Amendment rights of Virginia’s citizens. I will also urge the Governor of Virginia to file a formal protest on behalf of Virginia citizens demanding that the federal government stop violating our privacy.

There is a lot of direct marketing goodness in this section. More appeals to the base (and to those on the left who, once upon a time, railed against the Patriot Act with gusto). Plus, multiple calls to action – from the AG (and his ticket mate, Ken Cuccinelli), Gov. McDonnell and, best of all, a link to his own letter calling for an inquiry.

That’s pretty good stuff. Pro-active, timely and full of hooks.

It’s not likely to generate any sort of response from Eric Holder, or perhaps even much press notice (though, here in the summer doldrums, it might get a mention or two). But that’s beside the point. This isn’t so much a press release as a direct marketing piece — and a good one at that.

All that was missing was a “donate” link. Not that one puts such things in press releases. Yet.