Check it out: “Texts From E.W. Jackson”

It finally seems as though someone on the right is getting the point of this online messaging thing. A new tumblr site called “Texts From E.W. Jackson” popped up Wednesday, and it uses that most dangerous of things — snark — to push back at the GOP lieutenant governor nominee’s critics (on both sides of the political fence).

It appears as though the site was created in response to a Twitter post by the DPVA’s Brian Coy, who was attempting to generate a slew of additional tweets under a “texts from Jackson” hashtag. Coy’s launching pad was a National Review piece that noted how Jackson and Ken Cuccinelli have a habit of texting one another. What were they really saying? Oh, let’s just make up the nastiest thing we can imagine:

How droll. The tumblr response went like this:

tumbr coy

Good on the creator of this site for rapidly taking what could have become another online line of attack against Jackson and turning it back around on the Democrats. That’s the kind of quick, and snarky, response the GOP needs to do. All the time.

And check out the Facebook page, too.

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