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Gibbs Plays Admirable Defense

…but it ain’t even close [1]:

Can I tell you — well, first of all, Darrell Issa should call Jay Carney and apologize this morning. Secondly, let’s pull apart the statement. In all likelihood, he is laying out the charge and then saying that it might be true. Then he is saying, as the investigator, I know where I want to get, now I’m just getting around to proving it. I mean, it’s a stunning thing. It’s why five people in this town take Darrell Issa seriously, and it’s the surest bet that the Republicans are on the verge of overplaying their hand publicly and the American people will lose interest in their side of this.

Two problems: (1) Issa and the House Republicans know there’s enough smoke to point towards a massive brush fire the White House simply cannot contain, and (2) Gibbs is right on the latter part — the American people aren’t just losing interest in the IRS Scandal… they simply do not care.

Issa naturally owes no one an apology.  I doubt Carney will be apologizing on the White House’s behalf for the IRS scandal.