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PEASANTS REJOICE! Glorious People’s Leader Revolutionizes Television With English Speaking Translation Glorious Revolutionary People’s Propaganda Against American Devils

…or just click here and you can get the scoop on North Korea television — English edition [1]:

In terms of programming, it’s pretty clear even to someone who speaks no Korean that this is some propaganda-tastic stuff. Right now they’re blasting some tunes backed with inspiring images of workers and slogans; earlier there was a short piece that appeared to be about how awesome it is to work in a North Korean coal mine. (OK, I have no idea what they were saying, but everyone was in a coal mine and they all seemed happy and excited.) There’s also a lot of music matched with slideshows of natural beauty like mountains and lakes from (I assume) North Korea, and I saw one show that appeared to be an old woman reading from a book, telling a story about the North Korean army in winter.

Thanks for dropping us a solid, Kim Jong Un.