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Raise more taxes says Virginian-Pilot scribe

Roger Chesley [1]offers Ken Cuccinelli and Terry McAullife his winning campaign strategy: Raise Taxes!

Chesley, born in Washington DC and cut his journalistic teeth in Detroit (gee, I wonder if he’s a liberal), is hopping mad that Cuccinelli is proposing a tax cut for individuals and businesses.

After all, it’s not like anyone needs jobs, right?

“All of this is nonsense…why fixate on bolstering the business climate even further?”

Business must be great for the newspaper whose owners have wanted to unload for the past five years, and didn’t exactly get a line of buyers. Roger’s still got a job (although a step down from his previous “Associate Editor” to now only [2] a “Columnist”). No need for any more jobs, right Roger?

But here’s his great advice: Forget about job creation and just raise taxes!

“Virginia has the eighth-highest per capita income in the nation, yet the top tax rate of 5.75 percent is the eighth lowest.

The rate applies to all income more than $17,000. Why are people making at least six figures paying the same rate as some of the poorest Virginians? That’s unfair and obscene.”

It’s fair to assume that Roger isn’t in that “six figures” income category.

But it is funny, after the Virginian-Pilot applauded legislators for their transportation funding support, hardly a minute passes before Roger wants more.

And probably from a bracket that’s just high enough to keep him safe from paying any of it. That’s the part that’s really “unfair and obscene.”