Bob McDonnell Launches New Adoption Initiative

As the son of two parents who are working to adopt internationally, and someone whose best friend growing up was part of the foster care system, the issue of adoption and foster care is one close to my heart.  As conservatives it is our duty to care about our fellow human beings in tangible ways.  When our policies only reach people’s minds, but don’t reach them where they are, we will lose and deserve to do so.  As Christians, caring for widows and orphans is the mark of true religion.

This is why as a conservative and as a Christian, I was excited to hear about Bob McDonnell’s Virginia Adopts initiative.  This initiative is similar to the Colorado adoption initiative which cut the number of kids in the state’s foster care system in half.

Check out the website, and let’s support the governor in accomplishing this goal.

Bob McDonnell Virginia Adopts Initiative


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